A simple, but at the same time advanced notepad with Extra functions,which is always in a delicious, soothing green theme (the ultimate pleasureyou will experience on AMOLED displays).Let a beautiful, green theme that will bring you good, make your day.KEY FEATURES- notes with unlimited length, archive, trash,- password manager,- shopping lists,- task list,- logger (suitable for keeping detailed records with time and date, example: thanks to this function, i know at a glance that i am last year drank 180 energy drinks).Notes can be saved in TXT or HTML files or sentvia Bluetooth, by e-mail... The application can be secured with an encrypted PIN code.EXTRA FUNCTIONS- the number of days between two dates.- generating a random number or string,- conversion of number systems,- conversions of speed, temperature, length, weight, volume, pressure...- calculation of the price of consumed electricity,- text encryption,- clicker,- magnetometer,- thermometer,-...